Thursday, 22 June 2017

DEAR Ladies See Shocking Things You Never Knew About Ab0rtion Pills – Your Doctor Will Never Tell You About #1 & 9 {Must Read}

Contraception is a method of indirectly controlling birth measures and make sure that you don’t end up getting preg.nant after the act of se,x.
Though contraception pills have a lot side effects for women, there are also other facts which have come to light after researchers have very carefully examined the prolonged use of such pills.
Contraception is just a way to controlling the birth of a baby, or to refrain from having a kid after se,x, and in most cases contraception is definitely useful and works successfully.
1.    Risk of getting blinded
Studies have shown the women who are on the prolonged use of birth control and contraceptive pills for at least three years have higher chances of developing glaucoma and thus developing the risk of getting blind after a certain period of time.
Even researchers all around the world have not been able to examine as to how the use of birth control pills lead to the risk of glaucoma, but it certainly does as estrogen levels also affect the risk of glaucoma in a great way.



Sodiq Freshboy is a blogger, editor and I.T Marketer. A budding individual with the strive to share and inform the masses with contents relating to their beliefs, lifestyle and all about the entertainment.